Legacy P3 Long Range Aircraft

Fleet Integration & Support

Changing the way legacy aircraft are retrofitted with support of the newest technologies and maintenance, while reducing operational requirements of your fleet. Whereby, fleets can undergo integration of the latest technologies during normally scheduled maintenance visits. We provide you with a single point of contact for rapid response and lower administrative overhead.

It has been proven that the use of a completely independent consulting firm to professionally manage the design and aircraft completion process is fundamental, and in the long term, a sound financial decision. Where this was unheard of in the past, this philosophy has now become standard practice in the industry. Our attention to detail has always resulted in a quality product. We offer an experienced completion management team, with extensive technical background and experience. Saving you, both time and money while ensuring the highest standard of professionalism.

The completion team at Veteran captures the customer’s need for performance and functionality into your fleet. Creating a quality final product that is mission successful, practical and on-time. Evaluating your aircraft needs can be a daunting task, but now it doesn’t have to be. Our experience with many aircraft allows us to provide a unique, informed perspective to help you identify the most efficient, and effective solution for your needs.

We will work closely with you and your interests to insure the best solution for all parties.